Assistance Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 60 minutes Ticket Resolution Guarantee

  • Each ticket that you post to our client support team will be replied to within up to 60 minutes. The basic queries shall be taken care of asap. However, if the service request you have sent requires the help of a proficient administrator, we will forward the ticket to him and will let you know about the hold–off.

  • Top quality support service
  • Expert Tech Help Service

  • We’ll be on line for you 24 hours a day to supply assistance and technical support and also to aid you with any problem that you could possibly run into whilst handling your virtual server. We can aid you with all pre–configured software packages, including your Operating System, server administration panel (in accordance with the VPS type) and the Web Control Panel made entirely by our company.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Intuitive Help Zone

  • Each part of the Web Control Panel that comes at zero cost with your VPS includes a built–in article base. There’s a range of descriptive how to tutorials and a number of step by step video lessons that display all the standard site management responsibilities. You can get access to them by pressing the Help or Video control keys in the top right corner of each Control Panel section.