A 99.9% Server Uptime

We’ve set up our hosting system using reliable hardware components and significantly customized software. Our sysadmins have installed a tweaked version of SELinux on each of our hosting servers in order to guarantee the highest level of protection and stability. We’ve installed several DoS prevention mechanisms combined with highly efficient firewall software to make sure our network is impregnable and safe.

Our Linux hosting packages come with a 99.9% server uptime guarantee. And no matter which datacenter you choose, the guarantee remains unchanged.

A 99.9% Server Uptime

A 99.9% Network Uptime

Other than our cloud hosting platform, we have also set up our own internal network in each one of our datacenters. Everything is based on high–end hardware parts manufactured by Juniper. Plus, on every single router, we’ve installed a firewall with a sophisticated set of rules that will filter out all suspicious requests.

This way, in each of our datacenter facilities – in our data center in USA, in our data center in United Kingdom, in our data center in Finland, in our data center in East Europe and in our data center in Australia, you will take advantage of a 99.9% network uptime guarantee. And this guarantee is available with all hosting services in each and every datacenter.

A 99.9% Network Uptime

A 30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

Like with every other service, if it’s your hard–earned cash at risk, you cannot feel really secure. That is why, with all our cloud hosting packages we offer a 30–day money–back guarantee. If you do not feel happy with our hosting service or in case you would like to use a more powerful hosting solution, like a Linux VPS or a Linux dedicated hosting – you will get a full refund, with no obscure costs or reimbursement charges.

A 30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

24/7 Technical Support

In the event that you manage a web hosting firm, your technical engineers are of principal importance. This is the reason why we’ve cautiously chosen a highly skilled group of technicians, each with lots of years of practice behind his back. With their help, our company offers 24x7 support with each of our web hosting plans.

And not only that, our company offers a 1–hour response time guarantee. All enquiries are responded to in under an hour and our average ticket response time is under 20 minutes!

24/7 Technical Support