Administration Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • Controlling a server is a challenging procedure. You either have to do the work all by yourself and devote your precious time to keeping an eye on your VPS, or you need to arrange a 3rd–party solution whose only mission will be to watch over your virtual server. And that is precisely where our Administration Services package will comes in real handy. With it, your VPS will be added to our own custom–made server monitoring system, which will keep track of all the important tasks. And in case of any service failure, our server administrators will be warned straight away and they will fix the issue as soon as possible.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • Keeping a backup copy of all your data is vital – one never knows when something would go wrong. And having ordered our Administration Services offer, you will enjoy weekly backups of your whole VPS, not just of your data, without you having to set up or configure anything. And all the backups will be stored on a server with many RAID–configured hard drives. This implies that your content will always be safe and sound, twenty–four–seven.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • In case you’d like your VPS to have video streaming or video conversion capabilities, you have to install & set up certain software apps on it. And if this sounds like something too time and effort taking for you, then our Installation & Troubleshooting service, part of our Administration Services offer, is definitely the most suitable thing for you. While using it, you will have the complete and undivided attention of one of our practiced sysadmins who will install any software application or fix any trouble that you’re experiencing with your Virtual Private Server.

    The Administration Services solution is bundled with the majority of our OpenVZ Linux Virtual Private Servers. With our KVM Linux Virtual Private Servers, it is an additional feature.

Available with all Virtual Private Servers