ZFS is one of the most sophisticated file systems these days and it outclasses any other file system when it comes to speed, performance and security. The speed at which data is processed on a server using ZFS is much greater, so not only shall any sites hosted on the hosting server be read and executed considerably faster, but also backups can be created a lot quicker and more frequently without affecting the performance. Furthermore, ZFS works with checksums - digital algorithms which are employed to discover corrupted files. Whenever the file system identifies that there's a problem with a specific file, it repairs it using a good copy from another hard disk within the RAID. Both the checks and the repairs are done instantly, so the information located on ZFS-based web servers shall be safe at all times due to the fact that it practically cannot get corrupted. One more advantage of ZFS over other file systems is that there's no limit for the amount of files which may be stored within a single account or on the server as a whole.
ZFS Cloud Storage, Mails, MySQL in Hosting
Considering all of the advantages that ZFS has over other file systems, it's not a surprise that we have decided to use it on the cutting-edge cloud platform where your new hosting account will be created. Our customized setup and the Hepsia CP make this possible because the other popular control panels cannot operate on ZFS. The result of our work is a much quicker and reliable hosting service - we shall store your files, databases and e-mails on ZFS-powered servers that feature huge amounts of RAM and NVMe drives that will offer the best possible speed for your sites. We also leverage the much faster backup generation which ZFS delivers, so we'll keep 4 different copies of all your files, databases and e-mails every day without influencing the performance of the hosting servers - something which firms using other file systems cannot provide. Each and every server from the storage clusters also features a backup machine and the ZFS file system allows us to have the most up-to-date copy of your content on both places - a good copy, needless to say. That way, if a web server fails, we can switch to its backup within a few seconds, so your websites shall be up and running at all times and you will never have to stress about the integrity of your files or about the security of your web server.
ZFS Cloud Storage, Mails, MySQL in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We employ the ZFS system on all servers that are a part of our top-notch cloud hosting platform and if you decide to host your Internet sites in a semi-dedicated hosting account, you shall be able to benefit from all its functions. Using the file system on all machines in which your files, email messages and databases will be stored means that you will not need to worry about losing precious data as the backup machines that we use will have the very same copy of your content constantly and the ZFS system is a guarantee that the copy will not be corrupted even in case the main hosting server fails for some reason. You will additionally be able to look through the four backups of your data which will make every day - one more function which we offer due to using ZFS and which no enterprise using another file system or Control Panel can offer. The top performance of our system and of your Internet sites is guaranteed through the use of hundreds of gigabytes of RAM and NVMe drives, so not simply is our hosting platform safe and efficient, but it is also fast and it offers the best possible service for the optimal performance of any site hosted on it.